RACA Training

I want to become a Regulated Air Cargo Agent


Air Cargo Security Awareness Training


The New Zealand Government requires that air cargo is to be security cleared before it can be loaded on an aircraft. These security measures place specific requirements on businesses that handle or make arrangements for the transport of air cargo. Under the Aviation Security Act 2007, businesses that security clear, handle or make arrangements for the transport of air cargo must be a Regulated Air Cargo Agent (RACA).
The CBAFF Regulated Air Cargo Agent (RACA) course has been designed for all personnel who have access to air cargo within a RACA's access-controlled area or those who are involved in the application of security controls (excluding screening).
This training has been designed to meet the syllabus and content requirements outlined in the CAA Advisory Circular AC 109-1 Appendix A. The nature and scale of the RACA’s operation, and the scope of the services that they provide will dictate what additional (in-house) training is required to fulfil RACA authorisation procedures.
RACA personnel must be assessed as competent to carry out the functions for which the authorisation is intended, this is completed within the RACA itself based on the RACA's CAA-approved exposition (and applicable SOPs). The Part 109 requirement builds upon the knowledge developed in this training.
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