Gebrüder Weiss

Gebrüder Weiss NZ Ltd

Level 5, Unit 8
48 Greys Avenue
Auckland 1010
New Zealand

Primary Contact : pricing.newzealand(at)

Auckland - Shane van Heerden, North Island Manager - +64 9 300 7125 - Level 5, Unit 8, 48 Greys Avenue, Auckland CBD
Christchurch - David Ballinger, South Island Manager - +64 3 925 8206 - 40 Braeburn Drive, Hornby, Christchurch

About Gebrüder Weiss:

With more than 7,400 employees, 170 company-owned locations and an annual turnover of 1.77 billion euros (2020), Gebrüder Weiss ranks among Europe's leading transport and logistics companies. In addition to its core business of land transport, air & sea freight, and logistics, the company operates a number of highly specialized industry solutions and subsidiaries under the umbrella of Gebrüder Weiss Holding AG, which is based in Lauterach, Austria. These include the logistics consultancy firm x|vise, tectraxx (industry specialist for hi-tech businesses), dicall (communications solutions, market research, training), Rail Cargo (railway transports), and the Gebrüder Weiss parcel service GWP which is the co-owner of DPD in Austria. This bundling of services allows the group to respond to customer needs quickly and flexibly. Today, having implemented a variety of environmental, economic and social initiatives, the family-run company with a 500-year history is also considered a pioneer in sustainable business practices.